Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year

So I have plenty of resolutions for the new year, but what I am really excited about is my theme.

Yes, 2011 has a theme. And that theme is


See, I've been feeling like it IS too late. And it's not. I'm only 23 for heaven's sake.

And it's not too late for so many of the things I want

It is NOT too late for me to get a college degree

It is NOT too late for me to fall in love and have the best possible marriage I could ever have

It is NOT too late for me to learn how to weld

It is NOT too late for me to change my major

It is NOT too late for me to become a better person

It is NOT too late for me to make new friends (still keeping the old ones, p.s.)

It is NOT too late for me to figure out how to profit from my skills

It is NOT too late for me to learn new things

It is NOT too late for me to figure things out.

This was a big [inspired] realization for me. And I have to say, that it has made my outlook a whole lot brighter!

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